Friday, July 18, 2008

The Three Books You Need

I want to reccommend three books to add to your library. The first is Jeffrey Gitomer's "Sales Bible" which I mentioned in an earlier post. This is probably the greatest sales tool ever developed. I say this not because Gitomer offers groundbreaking sales strategies that you haven't heard of before, just the opposite , it is "Sales 101" the basics. Sales is like sports, the further you get away from the fundamentals, the worse off you are.

The second book is Charles Green's "Trust-Based Selling". This one is ground breaking. The whole idea is that you always do what is best for your customer. That doesn't sound too earthshattering , right? Think about this conversation with your sales manager in Corporate America, " Well Boss , I met with that million dollar prospect that I have in my forecast this month and after talking further with them about what they really needed , I told them that our biggest competitor was really a better fit for them."

The third book is "The Art of Winning" by Dennis Connor. Connor is portrayed as America's most sucessful sailor and being the one that brought the America's Cup back to the U.S. in 1987 after years of being held in Australia certainly qualifies him for that. This book is essential for everyone seeking to prevail in any competitive situation.

At Advanced Teledata , these are the three books that are required reading in our Sales Development Course. Who is in our Sales Development Course? Everybody!